Becky & Steve got married up in Duluth. In addition to all the planning for the wedding, Becky did all her own floral arrangements including her bouquet! She looked beautiful and had a great time! Congratulations Becky & Steve!
Becky & Steve: May 27, 2007
Roadside Stand
On our way home from Duluth, we stopped by the side of the road to catch a glimpse of this little shed. It's hard to see them because of the sun shining from behind, but the colors on this shed are so fun. I had fun playing with this photo as well!
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Still Life
I never thought I was much for cut flowers, but I absolutely adore when Jeremy brings them home to me! The other night he brought these ones home. They are just beautiful.
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still life
Peony in Bloom
The other day after the rain had let up, I snuck outside to get a few shots of these gorgeous blooms. Isn't the color on the bud incredible? Peonies are my favorite flower and I am thrilled to have six bushes in our yard!
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still life
Building Blocks
We went to a friend's art show today ( Her work is stunning and the studio is gorgeous. As were leaving, I got a few shots of the exterior. I love old warehouse buildings!
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Dappled Sunlight
We went for a walk after dinner the other night around St Anthony Main. With the sun setting, there was light bouncing off of all sorts of curves, angles, and lines.
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I found these pictures of our niece from last summer and just had to include them. She was having an absolute blast! I can't believe how much she's grown since then!
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children and family
Old Friends
My friend Laura asked if I could come to capture a visit from two of her oldest friends and their kids ages infant, 2 years, and 3 years. What a fun combination! I had so much fun sharing in their reunion.
There were lots of hugs and kisses to go around!
Misty had been wanting some photos of Anya taken for quite some time. We were able to get a few of just Anya. What a sweetie!
Jeremiah arrived toward the end of our time, but he was dressed like a real gentleman and more than willing to let me take a few pictures of him!
Simple Times
I watched a couple girls I know over this past week while their parents went on a trip to Germany. It was so fun to be with two children who were so beautifully able to entertain themselves with simple items from nature. Dandelions, both the "yellow" ones as well as the "fluffy" ones were a big hit! They also spent forever making nature homes for their fairies out in the backyard. I also had forgotten what a big event going to get ice cream is when you're little. We had a blast!
Waking up
Averie stayed at my house for a couple hours one day while her mom visited a friend who wasn't feeling well. When she woke up, her eyes were awake and alive! What a cutie!
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Day 9
This was my very first post on this site. I intially was just seeing if I could figure out how to post something. A friend of mine has encouraged me to create some form of art every day. This photograph is of what resulted from day 9. It is amazing what creating does for my spirit!
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